Happy New Year: Status update

Have been slowly preparing myself for the op - passed the health assessment so all being well will go in a few days time. Have begun to get a bit nervous now - made worse by the husband asking where all the important documents can be found if "the worst" happens and do I want to be buried or cremated! Nice one. There also appear to be many more stories in the media about hospital errors, operating table disasters, MRSA etc etc - or perhaps I just a bit more sensitive at the moment!
I must admit it is hard to concentrate on much else now - and I still have 3 more working days to go - goodness knows where my head will be at. I suppose I ought to get used to it as the symptoms of the menopause will be hot on my heels - get ready for forgetfulness, hot flushes and general irritation. Oh the joys of woman hood!!!
I intend to write of my experiences - if you can bear to read it here.
On a more positive note - the business that has been in the pipeline for a couple of years has finally emerged from the discussional table and we have our first commission to start in April - potential new career here we come! New website being built for this soon


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