Towards a fitter and better behaved household...
You may have read in my post entitled "my favourite beach" that our dog was in an accident a few weeks ago. He slipped his collar and got hit by a car. Well, we have now enrolled him in Dog School - first session on wednesday so I intend to keep you upto date with his progress. He knows nothing of this at the moment and is blissfully unaware of the hard work to come!! In fact as I write he is in his favourite position in his chair - as per photo (bet dog school don't allow personal items of furniture!!).
Watch this space also for my own foray into classes - I've decided to have a go at tap dancing - and at 46 years old this is not to be taken lightly. If I make it through the first session I'll let you know how I get on (but I promise - no photos)- here's to a fitter and better behaved family!!!!