My Favourite Beach...
Managed to fit in a few days in Norfolk last week and between the rainy days we got a good few hours on my favourite beach - Mundesley. We should have spent the week there but our best boy decided to slip his collar and have an argument with a car 2 days before we were due to go. At the time was very distressing and we thought we were going to lose him - but he has made a miraculous recovery and was up and about the following day as if nothing had happened- although a bit wobbly and sore. Anyway - the vet said we could go away for a few days so went from Tuesday to Saturday. Drove down in torrential rain - lovely british summer weather. On our second day we had to find a vets again as best boy decided to eat a wasp!! Tongue started to swell so needed steriods and antihistamine injections - what a plonker!!!
Mundesley beach just as secluded, soft and peaceful as always. Am still in holiday mode at moment but returning to work after the bank holiday so will get back to the blogging more seriously soon.