A family heirloom

Thought I'd share with you a project of mine that I finished a while ago - but found cathartic and a very relaxing and comforting experience. When my Mum died a couple of years ago now, I found it hard to think about all her clothes going to charity shops etc and that someone else might wear them. I know that this probably seems a rather irrational view - and I can't really defend it, but Mum was always so into her wardrobe - she had a flair for co-ordinating clothes into an outfit and had a certain style all of her own - she always looked good. So whilst we were clearing her things I found myself ferreting outfits and items of clothing away that were so "Mum". Then I decided that maybe I could make a quilt with them. In the end I made 3 quilts and gave one to my sister and brother and kept one for myself for the first Xmas without Mum. I then made another in the following year for my niece as a wedding present. I'd never quilted before - apart from a small englis...