Poems and things "what I wrote"
Things what I wrote (to quote Ernie Wise). In here you can find a selection of my dabble into writing - mostly short poems for special occasions but one day I may branch out
PS: I have branched out and am currently compiling a collection of poems and "ditties" that one day I may publish..... watch this space.................
The Quest for Truth - a fairytale of research
I was inspired to begin writing this one wet and windy weekend following a conversation on Facebook. This has turned into an homage to research terminology and makes no claim to be a robust academic piece of work. There may also be an influence from TerryPratchett , The Brothers Grimm and Enid Blyton.
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In Grantham town as night falls down
Strange rumours have been spread around.
A special date in '98
Will change the face of Panto's face.
As, when the Panto's put to bed
On the twenty first of Feb,
The Dame and Wicked Witch, it's said
Will carry out this rumoured threat.
The grand finale is a sign
That it's goodbye to Pantomime.
"Oh not they wont!" " Oh yes they will"
In other ways their time to fill.
No more the evil "boo" and"hiss"
"Behind you!" cries of little kids
The other things they're sure to miss
Will be included in this list:
Through injury and illness tooThe coloured wigsThe great ad libsThe laughter of the little kids;The hob nail bootsThe padded boobsThe nifty little dancing moves;The stripey socksThe curly locksThe haute couture (that some call frocks!);The catchy tunesThat damely croon!The ice creams in the dressing room.
They carried on as troupers do.
Twenty years of role reversals,
Learning lines and dress rehearsals.
"Oh no they're not!" "Oh yes they are!"
So let's all shout a big "Hurrah".
Let's celebrate their long stage run
With laughter and a little fun.
As they complete their last "Encoore!"
And leave behind the backstage door,
Let's raise a loud and special cheer
For Hazel and Tony's panto career.
Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
Best Wishes from us all this day.
Our words alone cannot relay
All the things we'd like to say.
A special wish, a goodbye kiss
Tells you both that you'll be missed.
So good luck to you in all you do
From us:
Your favourite Panto Crew!
JT's retirement 2015
(this is me singing words I wrote and Steve coming in with electric guitar at the end)
An unfortunate incident in Chile 2010
Remember Chile 4 years ago?Sarah's case just didn't show.For 6 whole weeks she was without.... a poem I did write about.Now 4 years on and in JapanAnother Congress has just ran (excuse grammar!)A long haul journey undertaken,Homeward bound we were unshaken.At Manchester our plans were blightedNo more to return delighted.In the process of us switchingBoth our cases had gone missing!A poorly ended expedition,Virgin arilines unforgiven.Can you believe that this is true?Both our cases!! What to do??Ungents, tablets, creams and potions,clothes and shoes and sun tan lotions.All of these have not returnedI for one am most concerned.
KGGS School Reunion 2018
Take a look, what do you see?
A group of women, I would agree.
A bond was formed in '73
The journey no-one could foresee.
The journey no-one could foresee.
Look again and see with me
The youthful girls they used to be.
The studious with her head held high,
The rebel, the artist, the quietly shy.
The sporty, the witty, the fashionista,
The muso, the friendly, the brave enlister.
All nurtured inner hopes and dreams
And battled forth through life's extremes.
Emboldened by the bonds once formed
And out into the world, transformed.
Look once more and you now see
A group of women you must agree
But now you see in front of you
Potential reached, the fledglings grew.
The scientist, the pioneer,
The teacher, artist, volunteer.
The leader, healer, administrator
The carer, the parent, communicator.
These women smiling back at you
Have changed the world for me and you
The bonds once formed stay strong and true
I'm proud to be a part of you.
Fond memories are woven right here in this quilt
Of clothes that our Mum used to wear.
The bright and the smart and the comfy clothes too
Are blended with much loving care.
Look closely and find all the outfits she loved
Which show off her great style and flair.
All mixed up and matched in a colourful quilt
For you and your family to share.
Of clothes that our Mum used to wear.
The bright and the smart and the comfy clothes too
Are blended with much loving care.
Look closely and find all the outfits she loved
Which show off her great style and flair.
All mixed up and matched in a colourful quilt
For you and your family to share.