Mamma Mia........

"Here I go again.. my,my, how can I resist you"!!! Have just seen the film at the Odeon in Leicester Square. What a great film!! My glory days (well hopefully I still have a few more of those to come- but you know what I mean...) were backed by Abba - I was the Dancing Queen, and had my heart dented more than once to the strains of "Winner Takes it all" ( played over and over again on my old stereogram in my bedroom .. much to the chagrin of my parents).
Anyway - back to the film- a real feel good film that manages to integrate the songs to a well played out story - without being cliched. I was sad, uplifted and amused all at the same time and left the cinema wanting to dance and skip whilst trailing a scarf behind me - in the sunshine and with a beautiful backdrop of course. Pity it was raining when we left the cinema.
I'm definitely going to see it again..