What more could anyone ask for?
October is here - and a mixed bag of weather from torrential rain to mild and sunny days. The last 2 sundays have been perfect weather for walking in the late autumn sunshine. Last week, after guests staying over for the weekend, we took Bruno for a late sunday afternoon stroll to Pennington Flash , a local site favourite with wildlife enthusiasts and walkers alike. Now, those who know me know very well that I am not a walker - but I must say that I am really enjoying these latest communing with nature exploits. I am taking some good photos and then have something worth sharing on my blog - and Bruno gets some good, healthy exercise also!! Then this weekend we we lucky to be invited by an old friend to go visit. She lives with her family in the grounds of Newstead Abbey in nottinghamshire. I have never been there before but it turns out that my Dad, as a youth, used to cycle there from Grantham on a sunday with the YMCA - a fitter man than me that's for sure! The Abbey's ...