Enforced rest .......

I am currently in the unfortunate/fortunate position of having to take enforced rest. Those of you that know me will be aware of some ongoing medical problems - those who don't suffice to say "women's troubles" and spare you the gory details.
Having spent a week feeling poorly and trying desperately to avoid hospital admission I am now feeling slightly more human and can actually enjoy my time off work for the next week (I hope).
Anyway, what to do with this time? I have become very organised for Xmas (in case I needed to be in hospital) and used online shopping to great advantage - and then wrapped things as they are delivered. I have got parcels ready for USA and Oz ready for the Xmas posting dates, complete with letters and cards.
I have tried my best to watch day time TV - how dire is that? We pay a fortune for god knows how many channels and all you get are reality talk shows, naff quizz shows and thriller/murder/sci-fi shows with old has-beens taking a cameo role! Bring back the old black and white flims or even a musical once in a while please! So, I then spent an absolute mint on Xmas magazines, and now feel totally inadequate because I do not:
a) have a country farm house
b) run a cottage industry making shortbread from my own designer kitchen
c) have 4 children under the age of 10 who sit quietly in a tableau of creativity and expectant glee
d) own that perfect little black dress with killer heels - wearing whilst in the country and making shortbread obviously
e) spend £200 on a permanent blow-dry to keep that just stepped out of the salon look for upto three weeks "!"

Can't wait to go back to work..........


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