A very special thing....

I have just received a very special parcel today. Now some of you may think this is a strange and rather macabre thing - but I happen to think it is a unique and special tribute. What is it?
Well, those of you who follow my musings will know that I lost my beloved pet earlier in the year. I found this a devastating experience, and I would say that I lost not only a pet, but a part of myself with her. She was very special (as I'm sure most of you think of your own pets).
Somehow, trawling through the internet I came across someone who makes teddy bears from pet hair/fur. As it happens I had kept an amount of her fur, when I'd groom her I'd put some of her fur out for the birds to use for nesting and I kept quite a bit of the rest. Don't ask me why, I don't really know - other to say that I am a great sentimentalist and love to keep mementoes and keepsakes of all sorts of things.
Anyway, I contacted this lady to ask what she would need - a really lovely and talented lady- and eventually after a few emails and telephone calls I received the finished bear today.
It is so lovely - it's expression is cute yet wistful- and it has an air of my beloved girl about it.
It helps.


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