And another thing .......
So, the NHS gets another chance! Tomorrow I go in for my op - fingers crossed that they go through with it this time - I don't think I could deal with another cancellation. I had occasion to test the NHS again last night and am sad to say that they failed yet again. I cut my finger on a steak knife whilst cutting a bit of beef for a sandwich - yes I know - not the right tool for the job- and predictably I sliced through the top of my finger. Now, those of you who know me will know that this is not an unusual occurrence - have had more stitches in various fingers than a tapestry - and no - I guess I'll never learn. Anyway, anyway after 2 hours it still hadn't stopped bleeding (despite being wrapped in a teatowel - ancient, little known remedy!) so decided that could just about drive to local hospital to get it seen to. Duly did - disturbed the dog who was snoring away on the sofa and thought he was settled for the night and arrived into an empty carpark. Now you'd have thought this would have been a clue - but was too busy congratulating self on getting a space. Would you believe that casualty dept was closed!!!! Opening hours 7am to 9pm. Nearest one therefore 9 or 10 miles away and no way could I have driven that far. And I wasted £2 on a parking ticket!
Who says the NHS is client-centered, "your say your choice" and "putting the patient first" are obviously not working.
Hey ho, let's hope tomorrow is third time lucky.
Hope all goes as well as possible with the op, you should consider doing an "McIntyre Undercover" style expose on your local NHS resources!