Where's all the snow?

For well over a week now we seem to have been bombarded from all (media) angles that the country is covered in snow, everywhere is snowed in, don't leave the house unless you really have to. We've heard that this is the worst snow "we've" had for 18 years blah, blah, blah. When what they really mean is the South East (and some areas of the midlands) Now, I like a good read of the newspapers as well as the next person, I also like to watch the BBC News and Sky News channels at least once during a day, however these recent reports have only gone to serve the view that the north/south divide really is fit and well. I remember not that long ago (maybe about 8 years) we had that much snow that I couldn't get my car up the road to my house - don't remember that being headline news for days. I watched with interest a reporter, huddled into a quilted coat using language such as "chaos" and "devastation" and behind her was a row of cottages with a bit of snow on a village green (you could still see tufts of grass) and cars outside the cottages with not even a tyre buried in snow that were "snowed-in". Methinks the media needs to consider the language it is using - if it uses such catastrophic descriptions for trivial sitiuations where will it be when it needs to report something of gravitas and pathos?
(PS image is of a snowman built by my brother when we had real snow a few years ago)