Sauntering, pondering and daydreaming

Yay I can now walk around like a " normal" human being without pain - albeit rather slow. I posted a status update on my Facebook page recently that said I was enjoying sauntering in the early spring sunshine - and a friend posted a comment that the word 'sauntering' isn't used much these days. But sauntering is most definitely what I am doing. I am forced to walk quite slowly and am therefore re-experiencing the joy of aimlessness and daydreaming. Normally I walk with purpose - to get to somewhere, to fetch something, always with a time limit on it (have never been one to walk as a hobby - this too is purposeful walking and tends to involve more hiking and treking than I can possible find enjoyable). I'm talking about aimless sauntering, the sort of pace one uses when walking home from school. Whilst engaged in this activity (admitedly this takes place in the cemetary as it's the nearest - being opposite the house) I have read the old stones and wondered about the lives of the people who were buried there over 100 years ago - whole families eventually joining each other. I have been able to think - really think about past, present and future possibilities for myself. I have taken time to watch the birds nest building, the daffodils swaying in a breeze - and people watched. All the while I have been engaged in slowly walking - developing a pattern and a rhythm that has been both relaxing and strengthening. I guess it has allowed me to re-engage with my more reflective side - and brought back memories of many happy childhood hours spent sitting by water or up trees just thinking and daydreaming. I'd forgotten about that side of me in the cut and thrust of everyday life. So - everybody - have a saunter from time to time and get in touch with your more ponderous side - allow yourself the opportunity to daydream and to really experience what is going on around you.


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