
Showing posts from May, 2009

On High Tea, the Queen and being very English...

My american relatives have been visiting these last two weeks. Auntie Gladys (she of the famous family potato salad recipe), her son and grand-daughter and her cousin. They have tried to fit in the whole british experience in 11 days - no mean feat!! After braving our roads with their hire car - I did try to explain that although places are technically a lot closer together here than in the states - our traffic and road systems can add hours to a journey they still managed to pack in some areas of Scotland, York, Lincolnshire and Stratford before coming back to me in the north. I tried hard to think of what would be the ultimate English experience and finally settled on taking them for afternoon tea at the Midland Hotel in Manchester. After a few anxious moments - the taxi let us down so I had to drive in Manchester and find somewhere to park (thank heavens for satnav!) and braving downpours of torrential rain which miraculously stopped as we got out of the car, we walked a few 100 y...

Hypnosis, regression and a girl....

Well! Last night I did something that I have wanted to do for years - I was "taken under" (not sure of correct term) Past Life Regression hypnosis . How fascinating. For years I have had a keen interest in past life stories and indeed have a strong belief in re-incarnation, but I never found anyone who could take me through this. Anyway, during a chance conversation with a friend I found that he was trained to use regression hypnosis within his role at a palliative care hospice and part of his training did involve past life regression (although not much call for that on the NHS!). Unfortunately for him I think I may have backed him into a corner with my enthusiasm and he agreed to try it with me. Having intrigued my facebook friends with a teasing build up to the session - I sat down with him last night as he explained any of the risks involved - might not work, might be distressing etc - but ultimately I would be in control. He explained the expectations arising from exp...