The Rain Making Machine
OK, so we bought a tent!! After years of debating whether we should get a campervan, or a static caravan and always deciding that (a) we had better ways to spend money we don't have and (b) we wouldn't use them anyway cos by the time the weekend comes around there are always chores to do around the house and we are too tired from working all week - we stopped talking about it.
Anyway, husband decided out of the blue that he wanted a tent for his upcoming birthday.
Duly researched best ones, spent a fortune on all the bits - how come you need to much stuff to get back to nature??
And, apologies everyone, but it's rained eversince!! We haven't had chance to go anywhere in it yet. We did manage to get it up in the back garden at the weekend (well saturday didn't rain at least) and what the "instructions" (hardly!) said would take 15 minutes took us an hour and a half and a near divorce.
Once it's up it's quite exciting to think that we could actually live and sleep in it away from it all - well actually not exactly "all" have told husband will not camp in rain, will only cook breakfasts and need facilities close by (loos, showers and pub!). Roll on some summer weather and we can use it - stay tuned for our first foray into camping.
Am writing this as a thunderstorm and buckets of rain are fighting each other to be the centre of attention. Looking outside I had to take this photo - birds are not daft are they?