Five Go Mad In Norfolk........
(well 6 an
d a dog actually!).
After the success of last year we decided to go ahead and book another holiday together in norfolk - this time in Holt. The dog disney forgot to draw (aka Bruno) was back to f
ull strength after the disaster at the beginning of last year's hols, weather was forecast to be a good week - what could go wrong?

Well this year - Intrepid Cliff Boy injured his back on a mission (a run in with the Wii personal trainer) putting paid to any further plans to scale the cliffs of Norfolk, then ICB's car wouldn't start on the morning of the journey down. However, these problems were not insurmountable, so 4 adults, 2 kids and 1 dog took off for an adventure (of course remembering to pack heaps of tomatoes and lashings of ginger beer!).
Arrived at the rented house - omg! Such opulence for a holiday let - we were blown away with it all - stunning. Rooms large enough to find a quiet place to read, daydream, converse. A dining room that wouldn't have been out of place in upstairs/downstairs and a garden that we hardly moved from all week. Bruno was in his element and became attached to a tennis ball (aka Wilson - as in "Castaway" with Tom Hanks) that he expected to be thrown any time day or night -even took it to bed with him.
And the bedrooms ...well ... 4 poster beds, huuugee rooms with fireplaces, antique furniture etc.
You could say we were well and truly spoilt.
Needless to say the rest of the holiday can be summarised as: cooked breakfasts, sun, reading, shopping, steam trains, eating, tequila sunrises, beer, trivial pursuits, ball games, campari and basically being out and
out "grockles" -- fantastic. Oh, and I even bought my first piece of "proper" art from a gallery in Holt - feel like a grown up now.
Shame it had to end - have now returned with my usual wistfulness and wanting to move back to Norfolk post-haste. Ah well - here's to next year....
PS the return home is worthy of it's own blogpost - will write more when I have calmed down and can laugh about it!!! Watch this space.............
After the success of last year we decided to go ahead and book another holiday together in norfolk - this time in Holt. The dog disney forgot to draw (aka Bruno) was back to f
Well this year - Intrepid Cliff Boy injured his back on a mission (a run in with the Wii personal trainer) putting paid to any further plans to scale the cliffs of Norfolk, then ICB's car wouldn't start on the morning of the journey down. However, these problems were not insurmountable, so 4 adults, 2 kids and 1 dog took off for an adventure (of course remembering to pack heaps of tomatoes and lashings of ginger beer!).
And the bedrooms ...well ... 4 poster beds, huuugee rooms with fireplaces, antique furniture etc.
You could say we were well and truly spoilt.
Shame it had to end - have now returned with my usual wistfulness and wanting to move back to Norfolk post-haste. Ah well - here's to next year....
PS the return home is worthy of it's own blogpost - will write more when I have calmed down and can laugh about it!!! Watch this space.............