Back from the land of Far Horizons.........................................................
Sitting alone with my book (wish now that I had taken some classic or mighty tome - instead was the latest Maeve Binchy!) I was presented with a goat's cheese bonbon served on a china spoon and a bed of crushed tomato, "compliments of the house, madam" (hate goat's cheese but waiter was so pleased with himself and waited for my reaction so had to feign delight!). I ordered water which was presented for me to taste and then my glass filled almost with every mouthful (leave me alone!!!!). In the end the food was OK - if minimal/nouvelle cuisine - so quickly retired to me room, donned the trusty kaftan and ate biscuits!
Anyway, duty discharged I wended my way onto Grantham for a weekend with family.
Friday evening found me in Sleaford with my dad, my godmother and her husband, having been invited for fish and chips (never turn down good food!) and a good gossip. Imagine the conversation slowly moving on from ususal catching up news and then suddenly finding that you are in a room of 70 somethings and they are talking about their experiences of flashers - in graphic detail!! (1 as a seemingly perpetual victim of a variety of flashers and 2 as retired police -officers). Not what one might reasonably expect from an innocent friday teatime invitation. Some of the stories I could share with you if my modesty and online reputation were not a barrier!!!!
Saturday, caught up with a bit of shopping in Grantham - if you're reading this anyone from Grantham Council - what have you done to my home town??!! As someone who has a reputation for telling people how they should do their jobs I am close to writing an open letter to the Grantham Journal to point out where they are going wrong! Traffic, the market, cultural and historial landmarks - all are a complete shambles!!
Anyway - enough of my ranting - Saturday evening was spent with brother and family (overdosing on the usual chinese spare ribs I have to have whenever I visit) - and a good hour's entertainment passed watching 3 teenage boys on turd patrol (clearning dog-poo from the lawn). The sounds and sights of shear disgust eminating from said boys was a delight - followed eventually by the inevitable competitions as to who had collected the most/ had the smelliest etc. All watched through the glass of a (very strong!!!) stawberry daiquiri.
After a spot of gardening on Sunday, Dad and I went out to lunch - very old restaurant called Catlins where Grantham gingerbread was first made, a quick look around the antique shop and then headed home leaving the land of the far horizons behind me for another time.