At the age of 14 years, our beloved Bruno Bear left us to go over the Rainbow Bridge. His heart became too big for this world, a heart stuffed full of love for all things, which finally gave out on 4 th August 2020. Here is his story…….. After we lost our sweetpea, Pepe, on Valentine’s Day 2008, the dog shaped hole was much too hard to bear and we wanted to share her legacy with another rescue dog. We visited Leigh Dog’s home and whilst all around us dogs were barking and clamouring for attention, this one dog, very striking in appearance, was sitting quietly, gazing out of his cage. As we spoke with him he picked up his bowl and went into the back area of the cage and lay down. They knew very little about him other than he was a stray from Salford, was about 2 years old and had been at the shelter for just over 4 months. We took him out of the cage for a walk around and it was very clear that he was well liked and was used to receiving treats from the volun...