Who Do You Think You Are........?

Just come back from a busy weekend down at the family "pile". Sorry - using rather grand words as have renewed interest in tracing the family tree - a task started by myself and my Dad a few years ago but that has stalled more recently. We decided to treat ourselves to a trip to London to the BBC Who Do You Think You Are exhibition. As usual, the journey down by train was uneventful with one or two amusing incidents. First announcer sounded as though he was using a loudhailer from outside the train - never did get to hear what he was actually saying! Second announcer I can only describe as "camp with menace" in fact I have never heard the word "pannini" uttered with such disdain!! Third announcement was interrupted by loud female voice "hope you enjoyed travelling with us" accompanied by much giggling and raucous laughter as she was (a) egged on by her mates and (b)swiftly cut off in her prime from the PA system. Someone obviously had a liquid...