Normality returns.................

Paston Windmill in Norfolk - came up for sale a few weeks ago for £500,000 - need a lottery win please!
Only now do I feel as if I have returned to a normality (well normality for me anyway!). Both the trials and tribulations of welcoming the new dog into the home, and the mad rush of the new semester have exhausted me and sent me into a parallel universe where the only things in existence were traffic jams, an office, a bed, bunting and a virtual world with which I have been engaging to research, teach, facilitate learning and deliver a 24 hour virtual knowledge exchange for Occupational Therapists around the world together with my esteemed colleagues in OT4OT.

I seem to have a finger in so many pies at the moment that I think I have possibly  grown a few more upper limbs - just wish they were functioning so that more tasks could get completed! And whilst I am very pleased that people are beginning to hear of my bunting exploits and orders are slowly arriving - finding the time in the evenings and weekends to make them is challenging - particularly as I seem to spend an average of 2 evenings on skype or in the virtual classroom with PG students or working on a few national/international collaborations with colleagues or delivering a series of masterclass sessions to a small group of UG students on using online social media for professional development- phew if I wasn't so exhausted I might be impressed :-)

Skip and Bruno
Skip the dog - or Mr Moo as he is often called (he really does moo! ........and looks like a cow) has settled in. Still a few rough edges that we are slowly addressing but he is learning slowly - although a stubborn streak often gets in the way. It is the human element of this family that now needs to gain confidence to leave both dogs alone in the house - we have not been out as a couple since July 31st!!! The only time we leave the house together is to walk the dogs or to go the vets. This has been compounded by the fact that when they have been left for a short while whilst gardening or garage work have occurred (not by them!) then a number of things have been chewed including a stair post, sewing "ingredients" and a cushion. A cage has been bought for just such an occassion - but the human element has anthropomorphised(?) to such an extent that caging is rather difficult. Needless to say we didn't have a very restful summer.

This new world that I have been inhabiting for the last 4 months has not allowed for any contact with real world friends or family and even virtual contact has been sporadic - so to you all who expected to hear from me or had hoped to meet up for a social occasion - I apologise - but I am back! Until the chaos that is Xmas, marking and semseter 2 preparation kicks in over the next few weeks.


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