My Troglodyte......

On a rather quick jaunt to France recently to stay with my sister I fell in love with a troglodyte! Let me explain .. previously I thought this was a derogatory term for someone who was stuck in the past, someone who actively avoided and even discouraged progress. I know this because a rather erudite school friend used to call everyone this back in '79 as we started 6th form - and I thought this was the height of cool. As I got older (and possibly wiser - hmm not sure!) I also realised that maybe they did exist, common definitions talk about cave dwellers and ancient races- H.G.Wells' 1895 The Time Machine's Morlocks were perhaps based on this race of people? So, how could I possibly, in 2013 meet one and fall for one? It all began one warm Thursday morning.......after 10 years Ryanair have finally decided to fly from Manchester to Tours which is where my sister now lives (having had the house for 10 years before moving across fully earlier this year). Now I had ...