Of time, marker events and arriving at work on a lilo

"Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once" - ( attributed to either Mark Twain or Einstein but neither are well supported). As I slip easily into my 6th month of retirement I have found myself spending far too much "time" thinking about time as a concept. My days are currently a mix of time dragging (not helped by current lock down for COVID19), time standing still - engaging in activities/occupations that enable me to lose all track of time and time speeding by - not having segments imposed by other's timetables (teaching, meetings, meal times, getting up and going to bed etc means I have very few marker events in a day). Therefore I'm finding that measuring time in retirement becomes a little different. Exploring further I fell down the rabbit hole on the space/time continuum. From The Big Bang to the Big Crunch theories. Einstein once stated that time is an illusion made up of human memories and that in fact everything does happen a...