Our best boy!
Meet our new boy. The dog shaped hole left by my beloved girl was too vast to live with so we decided to go to the local dog rescue home and find another one to lavish love and affection onto. We will never replace her, but we have too much to offer not to give another dog the care and attention it needs - so off we went. There he was in his cage - all around him barking, pirouetting "pick me, pick me!!" whilst he sat perfectly still at the door, watching and waiting. We couldn't resist him - in addition to the fact that he had been there for 4 months, it is hard to believe that such a loving, affectionate and handsome dog could be overlooked. Could be partly to do with the fact that he is a staffy cross (we think with whippet) - and boy he's fast!!! We're still training him - but he's settling in fast and picking up what we need from him quickly. He's good with children and other dogs (not tried him with cats yet though!). I'm sure there will be many ...