
Showing posts from March, 2009

Yo-Yo Consultancies

Am very excited today. I went to the bank to set up a business account for Yo-Yo Consultancies (links to our website but still a work in progress) It feels rather strange - almost like I signed my life away - but am very excited all the same. We have currently set the business up as a Partnership as I have joined with another occupational therapist and, both being employed full time, we will have only limited opportunity to develop the business into a major limited company at this stage. Yo-Yo will be an additional string to our bow and will initially concentrate on time limited contracts that offer advice, guidance and project management to occupational therapy related projects. The business will start at the beginning of April with a contract from the College of Occupational Therapists to consider the issue of the Advanced Practitioner role - so all systems go in the next few weeks - luckily I should be back to full speed by then. It is really quite daunting to be asked what the bu...

Sauntering, pondering and daydreaming

Yay I can now walk around like a " normal" human being without pain - albeit rather slow. I posted a status update on my Facebook page recently that said I was enjoying sauntering in the early spring sunshine - and a friend posted a comment that the word 'sauntering' isn't used much these days. But sauntering is most definitely what I am doing. I am forced to walk quite slowly and am therefore re-experiencing the joy of aimlessness and daydreaming. Normally I walk with purpose - to get to somewhere, to fetch something, always with a time limit on it (have never been one to walk as a hobby - this too is purposeful walking and tends to involve more hiking and treking than I can possible find enjoyable). I'm talking about aimless sauntering, the sort of pace one uses when walking home from school. Whilst engaged in this activity (admitedly this takes place in the cemetary as it's the nearest - being opposite the house) I have read the old stones and wondered ...

The Magic Curtain

Well, the op did take place and I have not been able to sit for too long at my computer until today so haven't been able to post. After two weeks of walking like Mrs Overall in Acorn Antiques I can now stand up straight and walk a little way without doubling over. I have now experienced the "magic curtain" you know the one - the curtain that swishes round a hospital bed and suddenly makes everything secure, safe and confidential! This is certainly a strange phenomena from a patient perspective. The curtains of other's hold a fascination for the bedridden yet conscious - what is going on behind the barrier, who are those people who arrive with clipboard in hand and "swish" and then disappear into another world? As new patients arrive the magic curtain is "swished" immediately - to protect them from prying eyes or to keep them from escaping I wonder? Regardless of what professionals might believe about privacy and dignity - the curtains DON'T do ...