Yo-Yo Consultancies
Am very excited today. I went to the bank to set up a business account for Yo-Yo Consultancies (links to our website but still a work in progress) It feels rather strange - almost like I signed my life away - but am very excited all the same. We have currently set the business up as a Partnership as I have joined with another occupational therapist and, both being employed full time, we will have only limited opportunity to develop the business into a major limited company at this stage. Yo-Yo will be an additional string to our bow and will initially concentrate on time limited contracts that offer advice, guidance and project management to occupational therapy related projects. The business will start at the beginning of April with a contract from the College of Occupational Therapists to consider the issue of the Advanced Practitioner role - so all systems go in the next few weeks - luckily I should be back to full speed by then. It is really quite daunting to be asked what the bu...