Where is she now.....?

On saturday, walking into a boutique that I kinda knew wasn't for me - but I liked a top in the window - I was told in no uncertain terms that there was only one thing in the shop that was for me - "it's only a large but it's generous" !!!! Exit one shattered carefully constructed self -image. After receiving support from my facebook friends I was able to laugh about it (just)!!

a) By all means enjoy watching Hollywood movies of the 50s - BUT don't believe that they are what real life is like. Doris Day and Rock Hudson had their own demons just like the rest of us!
b) Long legs and big boobs attract a certain type of male - WISE UP!
c) Drinking pints of cider is not as fun as it seems
d) You started smoking 2 months ago - give up NOW!!!
e) Don't worry so much what others think about you - it's what you think of yourself that really counts
f) Trust your judgement in choosing your friends - you will make fine choices
g) Save money for a rainy day! (maybe I might give her some lottery numbers- is that allowed??)
h) On saturday 17th April 2010- don't go clothes shopping
So, I wonder if I would've listened? What would you tell yourself if you could............