Where is she now.....?

I have managed over time to carefully construct a self-image of a silver-haired, voluptuous woman of a certain age. Whilst fragile, unless I spend too much time with reflective surfaces, it is an image that serves me well most of the time! This weekend I had a lesson in how others may see me - not the most flattering I can assure you. I had resigned myself, a number of years ago, that I am invisible to anyone under 30 years of age - even though inside I belong to that demographic! I have outwardly started to wear my badges of maturity - feeling I have earned the right not to have to colour my hair for the rest of my life, and I try hard to believe the hype that wrinkles demonstrate how much laughter there has been in my life. With these thoughts in mind I go about my daily business.
On saturday, walking into a boutique that I kinda knew wasn't for me - but I liked a top in the window - I was told in no uncertain terms that there was only one thing in the shop that was for me - "it's only a large but it's generous" !!!! Exit one shattered carefully constructed self -image. After receiving support from my facebook friends I was able to laugh about it (just)!!
Then I came across this photo of a girl - where did she go? Of course this is me at 18 years of age - and I wondered what I would tell her now if I met her:

a) By all means enjoy watching Hollywood movies of the 50s - BUT don't believe that they are what real life is like. Doris Day and Rock Hudson had their own demons just like the rest of us!
b) Long legs and big boobs attract a certain type of male - WISE UP!
c) Drinking pints of cider is not as fun as it seems
d) You started smoking 2 months ago - give up NOW!!!
e) Don't worry so much what others think about you - it's what you think of yourself that really counts
f) Trust your judgement in choosing your friends - you will make fine choices
g) Save money for a rainy day! (maybe I might give her some lottery numbers- is that allowed??)
h) On saturday 17th April 2010- don't go clothes shopping

So, I wonder if I would've listened? What would you tell yourself if you could............


Anita Hamilton said…
That adorable and innocent looking 18 year old doesn't need to be warned because funny enough she goes on to make some excellent choices, continue a very very interesting life and at 50 she is still going as though she is 28! That 18 year old wouldn't believe that a 50 year old can do all that you do! And that's lucky because she's the only one that could have stopped you. The person you met on the weekend in the clothes store already has her mind closed about possibilities... she is the one we need to worry about as at 50 SHE will be judgemental and bitter. maybe that is the 18 year old you need to warn?

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