Of distractions, structure and productivity

 So, we amble into the final "Being Retired" phase. If you've been following my previous blogs you will have shared with me my path from decision making, leaving work and then transitioning through feeling retired to the stage I think I may be in now - which is Being retired.

It's been a few weeks now - no idea how many without looking - one symptom of being retired I'm thinking. To be honest, completely surprisingly, I have not missed work at all. I expected to have "flashbacks" of loose ends or seasonal tasks - "did I get verification for that assessment?" "have I set up the discussion board for the module?" "I must make an appointment with..." but  nothing - no waking at 3am with a sudden urge to make a note of something, no sense of dread that I may have forgotten to do something vital.

Work is no longer providing a structure, stimulation or validation - I realise these must be coming from somewhere else now but I'm not sure I've totally bottomed  from where yet. As someone who previously thrived on deadlines, task management and organised time management I find I am surprised that I am enjoying having minimal restrictions on my time. Things are getting done - but in a much more organic way. I still set goals that I want to achieve each day/week but their completion is more ..... shall we say - fluid.

I still have productivity to my days, the focus at the moment has been making things, researching, writing, filming and editing for my new You Tube channel and I still find that for a few hours each day I am sitting at my computer doing these things, but it feels like the _best_ of my old role where we were able to be creative, forward thinking and proactive rather than reactive, fire fighting or engaged in enforced admin tasks. 

The Science Bit:

This suggests that I am engaging in activities (occupations) that have positive meaning and value for me. If I were to break this down as an occupational therapist I would say that the things I am doing at the moment have elements of want to and need to do. They appeal to my need to read and write about things which I am interested in, and I am also developing skills and ability in these areas - so striving for mastery and control and expanding my developmental structure. There is also a sense of obligation in the background - feeling obliged or that I "have to" provide a vlog once a week to people who have subscribed to my channel. These are minimal numbers at the moment -  however I know I need to keep an eye on this obligation as from previous experience of creating for others means that my enjoyment of the occupation often wanes.

However, there is a down side to all of this (although may not be too detrimental) and that is that there are limited external drivers to work on or complete a task, so I find my tendency for distraction more readily available and I seem to spend a lot of time wandering from room to room and going up and down stairs. 

To illustrate what I mean here is a portion of my day yesterday (possibly overall about 4 hours worth).

#1 start by remembering I need to get my wooden witch out of the summer house (shed!) as a prop for filming my vlog

#2 Enter summer house (shed!) and notice other things stored in there that could do with being brought into the house before the winter sets in and they get damp

#3 oooh, there's my model vardo.... I remember I had a few miniature books in there which would go well with a project I am doing for Christmas. Open it up - no books, hmmmm where are they?

#4 Go look for books in bedroom cupboard. Find my blood sugar monitor which I think would be useful to monitor for a while as I have not been too good with my diet over lockdown. Needs batteries replacing

#5 Find and replace batteries but realise testing strips out of date. Need to order more from Amazon

#6 Get phone to place order and get distracted by social media

#7 In the process of finding batteries I notice there are a number of string lights that have got tangled that would be useful as props for my vlog. Untangle lights

#8 One set of lights is cotton balls which are becoming unravelled and need glueing

#9 Go downstairs to get glue. Notice in cupboard with glue are some drill bits I ordered for another project. Ooo let's have a go at that - need to find drill! Find drill but drill bits not correct - shelf this idea

#10. In process of #9 spot slate coasters bought for another project to have a go at painting (😱) in a "How hard can it be" moment of madness. Cadge paints off husband and dig out brushes I'd bought as a stocking filler for him. I make a start - apparently I am hurting Steve's artistic sensibilities so he confiscates this from me.

#11 Am hungry, decided to make cauliflower and stilton soup. Get distracted by christmas film on tv while eating soup so watch to the end

#12 Glue cotton light balls

#13 Still not found miniature books so look in another cupboard, nothing there either - give up search for books

#14 Clean the things brought in from the summer house (shed!) and put them in the conservatory for sorting "later"

#15 Order blood sugar monitor strips

#16 Clean wooden witch (see #1 that started the whole process nearly 4 hours ago)

So, I am able to complete tasks - but organically. My need for control is being tested and I quite like it. I am missing connections and marker events - coffee with work mates, catching up at the beginning of team meetings - but social media does allow some of this I guess.

The next thing that will test me will be the financial changes. I believe I have done what I can so far to mitigate some of these, with better deals for things like insurance and wifi etc. Lockdown/COVID restrictions are  possibly giving a false impression of spending habits at the moment, but this will all be part of the transition. I am not feeling quite so anxious about this as previously and have had a lot of reassurance from retired friends who say I will be OK.

Watch this space......

Please feel free to go over the my YouTube channel - I post a video about once a week, If you subscribe you should get notifications as new videos are uploaded.

If you are interested in reading the blogs taking me through the full journey please see the links here:

Post 1: Hurtling gently towards retirement


Post 2: The final countdown


Post 3: Start where you are and change the ending


Post 4: Of distractions, structure and productivity


Post 5: Of Freedom, Dame Maggie and knowing that leggings are the work of Satan



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