But what do you do....?
Being rather introvert and reclusive, I try occasionally to push myself out of my comfort zone and actually go where I have to mix with and talk with real people. This not only involves getting out of my comfort zone, but also an effort of personal grooming that somehow seems to have eluded me increasingly during the last 2 years. In a previous post I already outlined that leggings are the work of Satan, but having to actually brush my hair, get my face into some semblance of a healthy and functioning human being, and putting an outfit together that doesn't involve slippers or baggy denim shirts seems to be a skill that eludes me most days. Anyway, occasionally it's worth it. However, what is becoming increasingly noticeable is that, once I bring into the conversation that I am retired, I am met with a facial expression that ranges from envy to puzzlement, usually accompanied by the question "so what do you do with your time?". My initial reaction is "oh I kn...