Of distractions, structure and productivity

So, we amble into the final "Being Retired" phase. If you've been following my previous blogs you will have shared with me my path from decision making, leaving work and then transitioning through feeling retired to the stage I think I may be in now - which is Being retired. It's been a few weeks now - no idea how many without looking - one symptom of being retired I'm thinking. To be honest, completely surprisingly, I have not missed work at all. I expected to have "flashbacks" of loose ends or seasonal tasks - "did I get verification for that assessment?" "have I set up the discussion board for the module?" "I must make an appointment with..." but nothing - no waking at 3am with a sudden urge to make a note of something, no sense of dread that I may have forgotten to do something vital. Work is no longer providing a structure, stimulation or validation - I realise these must be coming from somewhere else now but I'm ...